lunedì 22 luglio 2013

Oscillating saw injuries during plaster cast removal

How to limit
injuries during plaster cast removal
with HAL3000
Plaster cast removal is made, since years, by oscillating plaster saws, devices which facilitate the remotion of the plaster, accelerating all the removal procedure. In spite of a standard electric saw, a plaster saw runs with an oscillating movement which is studied in order to remove the plaster without hurt the skin.
Rimec plays an important part in plaster cast treatment... with HAL3000
HAL3000 can operates both with normal and synthetic plaster; this flexibility is granted by two different types of blades, the "normal" and "extra-hard" 's ones, which firstly guarantee to avoid the problem of blade's temperature (which increases with the friction).
In any case, it might happens skin injuries: when the plaster cast is going to be removed, an eccessive pressure on the skin can cause wounds for the patient, who will not collaborate with the doctor.
In this way, HAL3000 came to solve the problem of skin wounds through an improvement of the oscillations up to 15.000/ minute, which help to cut only solid material and not the soft's one, which follow the movement because it's adapted.
Normally, others plaster saws present on the market have between 11.000 and 16.000 oscillations; following Rimec's studies, is it possible to affirm that the threshold of 15.000 oscillations it is good in order to leave uninjured the skin under the plaster cast.
Following this point, Rimec has also designed HAL3000 in order to take care about:
- blade's temperature;
- layers of cast padding;
- skin conditions;
The temperature of the blade can be monitored  in two ways:
1) using the blade with reference to the type of plaster (normal blade or extra-hard blade) (see picture 1);
2) using the blade in all it sides (see picture 2) and cutting the plaster cast following perpendicular incision (see picture 3);
Blades for normal plaster cast
Blades for syntheticplaster cast
Picture 1
With reference to the initial cut's line, the operator should change the side
of the blade, blocking and moving it in the others points ( 1 is the first
point, 2 - 3 - 4 are the others)
Picture 2
The correct handhold of Hal3000
The cut have to follow
a perpendicular line with reference to the
plaster cast
Picture 3
The layers of cast padding can be positioned between the plaster cast and the skin, in order to permit the blade to follow only solid materials.
About this purpose, Rimec always suggest to place some bandages with the aim to protect the skin.
Skin conditions have to be cared in regard, especially thinking about the risk of wound. About this point, the doctor will choose the best type of plaster for the patient, also with reference to contingent allergies of him.

venerdì 12 luglio 2013

La location des mobilizateurs CPM Fisiotek

Fisiotek: le mobilisateur chez toi!

La location des dispositifs medicaux est sans doute la nouvelle frontière des services pour la santé à la maison.

La demande de location d'appareils medicaux a eu dernièrement un augmentation considérable: les patients qui sortent de l'hôpital ou qui viennent d'une fracture/accident, sont en effet invités à suivre un parcours de rééducation à la maison, pouvant s'organiser au mieux avec le temps et les modalitées.

A' la maison le patient se sente à son aise, il choisi les moments les meilleurs pour faire de la rééducation, dans les lieux qu'il connait, dans un éspace familiare: cet approche joue un rôle très important, parce qu'il se trouve dans une situation confortable et ne pas stressant, mais que au contraire favorise la récupération.

En parlant de coûts, la location se comporte comme substitut de dépense: le patient ne doit pas dépenser de l'argent pour quelque chose qui sera utilisé pour la seule période nécéssaire, mais il doit seulement payer un redevance pour l'utilisation.

Dans l'autre côté, le locataire qui peux compter sur un volume des demandes considérables, aura un rattrapage d'argent plus rapide et sur, fidelisant le client lequel, satisfait, pourra commencer un bouche-à-oreille positif.

Rimec propose aux entreprise lesquelles distributeurs et reventes de materiel medicaux, boutique pour les produits orthopédique,... un plan de vente pour la location des mobilizateur CPM Fisiotek, soit pour membres supérieurs, soit pour ceux inférieurs.

Ce que nous proposons est, d'après tout, vérifier l'attractivité des produits CPM Fisiotek dans le territoire local, et sourtout de quantifier la capacité et le potentiel en terme de numèro d'unitées.

Après on doit aussi comprendre si se focaliser sur la location pour les traitements de rééducation de jenou plutot que d'épaule.

Suite à l'évaluation de l'attractivité des produits, on doit aussi prédisposer une ligne utile pour l'education des patients à l'utilisation des appareils: ça pourrait se traiter d'un CD, une petite guide de poche... n'importe quelle trace qui puisse guider l'utilisateur final à la preparation et programmation de l'attelle.
Qu'est-ce que tu attends? Si tu a une structure en gré de soutenir ce type d'activité de location, nous t'invitions à contacter nos bureaux (veuillez regarder les données sur nous pourrons proposer la formule la plus indiquée selon ce qui sont les besoin relevés.

martedì 9 luglio 2013

Total Knee Arthroplasty - the effectiveness of the new features of Fisiotek 3000 line

NASM - North Austin Sports Medicine

** This article has been taken from the site of NASM, North Austin Sports Medicine, an Orthopedic Clinic for Sports Injury Rehabilitation.

A brief comment on the effectiveness in using the CPM therapy for post-operative treatments after surgery. There are several clinical studies which support not evident results in the use of CPM units, as they not provide significant advanatages to the patient.

What is important to know? CPM therapy is NOT used in order to take an evaluation of the joint, but to take care of it reducing pain and edema, and facilitate the healing of scars.

 What is clinically sure, is that CPM rehabilitation provide a faster recovery to the patient, but is always recommended to be careful and to keep care of the clinical picture of the patient.

About this point, Fisiotek 3000 has been developped especially to customize the therapy for each patient with reference to the rehabilitative specifications that he has to follow.

The new feature "Limit to automatic flexion/extension increase" is studied in order to choose the ROM desidered, working within a limit and avoiding to force the joint.

""Transcutaneous oxygen tension of the skin near the incision for total knee replacement has been shown to decrease significantly after the knee is flexed more than 40 degrees. Therefore, a CPM rate of 1 cycle per minute and a maximal flexion limited to 40 degrees for the first 3 days is recommended. (...)""

In this case, the patient should work, in the first 3 days, within 40° in flexion; it means that he can increase the degrees up to 40° and then start to work over.
In the pictures below , the menu's page of the feature just mentioned, both for flexion and extension movements.

Like example, we can program:

- Extension 20° ; Flexion 100°

- Automatic extension increase 1°
- Automatic flexion increase 1°

- Limit to automatic extension increase 15°
- Limit to automatic flexion increase 115°

The CPM unit will work increasing 1° every 3 cycles on both the movements, up the reaching of the limit programmed.
"Limit to automatic extension/flexion increase" works only if the automatic increase is setted equal or longer than 0.2°.

Limit to automatic flexion increase at 115°

Limit to automatic extension increase at 15°

...Soon available the new Fisiotek 3000 series of CPM mobilizers!